I-See 論壇 » 吹水區 » 熟悉我的人入來吹下水吧=]

2006-12-8 02:37 PM Hydro;)
[quote]原帖由 [i]WS`恩=![/i] 於 2006-12-8 02:19 PM 發表

0` ;]
actually how old are you =v= [/quote]
19 already /o\

2006-12-8 02:42 PM wsyan.
[quote]原帖由 [i]Hydro;)[/i] 於 2006-12-8 02:37 PM 發表

19 already /o\ [/quote]
[b]studying form 7 -?!  ;][/b]

2006-12-8 03:46 PM Hydro;)
[quote]原帖由 [i]WS`恩=![/i] 於 2006-12-8 02:42 PM 發表

studying form 7 -?!  ;] [/quote]

2006-12-8 03:49 PM wsyan.
[quote]原帖由 [i]Hydro;)[/i] 於 2006-12-8 03:46 PM 發表

今年自修 [/quote]
[b]0` wanna study in the  university ? xD[/b]

2006-12-8 03:51 PM Hydro;)
[quote]原帖由 [i]WS`恩=![/i] 於 2006-12-8 03:49 PM 發表

0` wanna study in the  university ? xD [/quote]
yes ~_~...
so I try again = =

2006-12-8 03:52 PM wsyan.
[quote]原帖由 [i]Hydro;)[/i] 於 2006-12-8 03:51 PM 發表

yes ~_~...
so I try again = = [/quote]
[b]I'm f0rm 3 now ;]
i want to study science /00\
but it seems to be impossible -3-[/b]

2006-12-8 03:53 PM Hydro;)
[quote]原帖由 [i]WS`恩=![/i] 於 2006-12-8 03:52 PM 發表

I'm f0rm 3 now ;]
i want to study science /00\
but it seems to be impossible -3- [/quote]
try your best =]
science is not difficult =]

2006-12-8 03:53 PM wsyan.
[quote]原帖由 [i]Hydro;)[/i] 於 2006-12-8 03:53 PM 發表

try your best =]
science is not difficult =] [/quote]
[b]you study science in form 4 ?-v-[/b]

2006-12-8 03:54 PM Hydro;)
[quote]原帖由 [i]WS`恩=![/i] 於 2006-12-8 03:53 PM 發表

you study science in form 4 ?-v- [/quote]
I am maths group student in F6 and F7 =]
I was a science student when I was facing HKCEE

2006-12-8 03:57 PM wsyan.
[quote]原帖由 [i]Hydro;)[/i] 於 2006-12-8 03:54 PM 發表

I am maths group student in F6 and F7 =]
I was a science student when I was facing HKCEE [/quote]
[b]actually i was confused in physics =v="

i think studying science will be help in future career-?![/b]

2006-12-8 04:00 PM Hydro;)
[quote]原帖由 [i]WS`恩=![/i] 於 2006-12-8 03:57 PM 發表

actually i was confused in physics =v="

i think studying science will be help in future career-?! [/quote]
It depends you study which subject in University ...

2006-12-8 04:17 PM wsyan.
[quote]原帖由 [i]Hydro;)[/i] 於 2006-12-8 04:00 PM 發表

It depends you study which subject in University ... [/quote]
[b]Hope that i can study science subject this yr.;]
revise a bit of  physics now;]
see you later xD[/b]

2006-12-8 04:18 PM Hydro;)
[quote]原帖由 [i]WS`恩=![/i] 於 2006-12-8 04:17 PM 發表

Hope that i can study science subject this yr.;]
revise a bit of  physics now;]
see you later xD [/quote]
wt are you studying?
which part of physics?

2006-12-8 04:24 PM wsyan.
[quote]原帖由 [i]Hydro;)[/i] 於 2006-12-8 04:18 PM 發表

wt are you studying?
which part of physics? [/quote]
[b]light rays;][/b]

2006-12-8 04:26 PM Hydro;)
[quote]原帖由 [i]WS`恩=![/i] 於 2006-12-8 04:24 PM 發表

light rays;] [/quote]
draw diagram only ?
平行入C出 ._.

2006-12-8 04:28 PM v仔

2006-12-8 04:29 PM wsyan.
[quote]原帖由 [i]Hydro;)[/i] 於 2006-12-8 04:26 PM 發表

draw diagram only ?
平行入C出 ._. [/quote]
like reflected`refracted rays,
total internal reflection` critical angle` lenses etc.[/b]

2006-12-8 04:31 PM Hydro;)
[quote]原帖由 [i]WS`恩=![/i] 於 2006-12-8 04:29 PM 發表

like reflected`refracted rays,
total internal reflection` critical angle` lenses etc. [/quote]
你令我諗起path difference XDDD

refrective index?
sin i /sin r = n =]
total internal reflection 同 refrective index 有關XDD

2006-12-8 04:31 PM Hydro;)
[quote]原帖由 [i]小v[/i] 於 2006-12-8 04:28 PM 發表
做咩變晒雞腸架哩度=.= [/quote]

2006-12-8 04:32 PM v仔
[quote]原帖由 [i]Hydro;)[/i] 於 2006-12-8 04:31 PM 發表

因為恩的電腦打不了中文 [/quote]


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