I-See ½×¾Â » §j¤ô°Ï » R & L (i want to reach #4000 la)

2007-2-22 03:54 PM ºµ¥´¥O:D
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]lilyandlily[/i] ©ó 2007-2-22 03:54 PM µoªí

y ar?? [/quote]

2007-2-22 03:55 PM lilyandlily
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]meimeileung712[/i] ©ó 2007-2-22 03:53 PM µoªí

ys........and talking phone............. [/quote]

woo....i see.......

2007-2-22 03:55 PM ºµ¥´¥O:D
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]meimeileung712[/i] ©ó 2007-2-22 03:54 PM µoªí

listeing song...talking phone.......... [/quote]

2007-2-22 03:55 PM ®¦®¦®¦®¦`
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]koalabear0411[/i] ©ó 2007-2-22 03:48 PM µoªí

­ø«Y¦n©ú³á-3-'' [/quote]
¥H®a©ú`.. ;D

2007-2-22 03:55 PM lilyandlily
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]koalabear0411[/i] ©ó 2007-2-22 03:53 PM µoªí
¦Ó®a°µºò«§§r¤j®a?? [/quote]


2007-2-22 03:56 PM ºµ¥´¥O:D
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]®¦`£Ban;[/i] ©ó 2007-2-22 03:55 PM µoªí

¥H®a©ú`.. ;D [/quote]
¦Ó®a§Ú·U·d·U­ø©ú= =''

2007-2-22 03:56 PM lilyandlily
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]koalabear0411[/i] ©ó 2007-2-22 03:54 PM µoªí

§Ú’]­n°l§r~ [/quote]

ya~~so tired ar........

2007-2-22 03:56 PM ºµ¥´¥O:D
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]lilyandlily[/i] ©ó 2007-2-22 03:55 PM µoªí

chating+lunch [/quote]
§ÚÉN­¹lunch§r= =''

2007-2-22 03:56 PM ®¦®¦®¦®¦`
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]koalabear0411[/i] ©ó 2007-2-22 03:53 PM µoªí
¦Ó®a°µºò«§§r¤j®a?? [/quote]

2007-2-22 03:56 PM ÅS²ïx]`
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]koalabear0411[/i] ©ó 2007-2-22 03:55 PM µoªí

i-seeºò~ [/quote]
ya ya..............XDDDDDD

2007-2-22 03:57 PM lilyandlily
do u think it is meaningless??

2007-2-22 03:57 PM ®¦®¦®¦®¦`
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]koalabear0411[/i] ©ó 2007-2-22 03:56 PM µoªí

¦Ó®a§Ú·U·d·U­ø©ú= ='' [/quote]
ÉN¨Æµo¥Í¹L`.. X]!

2007-2-22 03:57 PM lilyandlily
what are we doing??

2007-2-22 03:57 PM lilyandlily
it seems that we are crazy,,,,

2007-2-22 03:58 PM ÅS²ïx]`
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]lilyandlily[/i] ©ó 2007-2-22 03:57 PM µoªí
what are we doing?? [/quote]
doing sth we ar doing...............

2007-2-22 03:58 PM lilyandlily
so mo liu tim............

2007-2-22 03:58 PM ÅS²ïx]`
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]lilyandlily[/i] ©ó 2007-2-22 03:57 PM µoªí
it seems that we are crazy,,,, [/quote]
always ga la............

2007-2-22 03:58 PM lilyandlily
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]meimeileung712[/i] ©ó 2007-2-22 03:58 PM µoªí

doing sth we ar doing............... [/quote]

so..it's boring........

2007-2-22 03:58 PM ®¦®¦®¦®¦`
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]lilyandlily[/i] ©ó 2007-2-22 03:57 PM µoªí
what are we doing?? [/quote]
¦n°ÝÃD`.. .____.

2007-2-22 03:59 PM lilyandlily
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]meimeileung712[/i] ©ó 2007-2-22 03:58 PM µoªí

always ga la............ [/quote]
i know..but......ai~~~~~

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¬d¬Ý§¹¾ãª©¥»: R & L (i want to reach #4000 la)

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