I-See 論壇 » 吹水區 » R & L (i want to reach #4000 la)

2007-2-20 11:01 PM lilyandlily
thx so much ar~~kaka...i reach my target la.........

2007-2-20 11:02 PM lilyandlily
but rosanna left here............

2007-2-20 11:02 PM ttsee
[color=#000000]that's good actually i think 1day can reach #1000 already[/color]

2007-2-20 11:02 PM ttsee
she will come here tmr ge

2007-2-20 11:04 PM lilyandlily
[quote]原帖由 [i]婆[/i] 於 2007-2-20 11:02 PM 發表
that's good actually i think 1day can reach #1000 already [/quote]

ya...but I don't like chat too much.......

2007-2-20 11:04 PM lilyandlily
in a same place........

2007-2-20 11:05 PM lilyandlily
[quote]原帖由 [i]婆[/i] 於 2007-2-20 11:02 PM 發表
she will come here tmr ge [/quote]

i know...but she left here with no reason.......

2007-2-20 11:06 PM lilyandlily
and she promise me we chat until # 1000 ..................

2007-2-20 11:06 PM ttsee
call her if you really want to know wht's happening

2007-2-20 11:06 PM VanessaXTabo
h e l l o !

可 以 來 吹 吹 嗎?

2007-2-20 11:07 PM mikii

2007-2-20 11:07 PM lilyandlily
[quote]原帖由 [i]婆[/i] 於 2007-2-20 11:06 PM 發表
call her if you really want to know wht's happening [/quote]

no need..........we always left the net with no reason........

2007-2-20 11:07 PM lilyandlily
at least she need to say good bye ma.........

2007-2-20 11:08 PM lilyandlily
[quote]原帖由 [i]VanessaXTabo[/i] 於 2007-2-20 11:06 PM 發表
h e l l o !

可 以 來 吹 吹 嗎? [/quote]

hi~~welcome of coz.......

2007-2-20 11:08 PM lilyandlily
[quote]原帖由 [i]令女仔[/i] 於 2007-2-20 11:07 PM 發表
HI............:) [/quote]

hihi~~welcome ~~what's your name??

2007-2-20 11:08 PM ttsee
maybe she was rush
no need to care abt this

2007-2-20 11:09 PM lilyandlily
[quote]原帖由 [i]婆[/i] 於 2007-2-20 11:08 PM 發表
maybe she was rush
no need to care abt this [/quote]

but at the end........she say she want to die.......

2007-2-20 11:10 PM lilyandlily
do u think she is angry with me??

2007-2-20 11:10 PM lilyandlily
she is angry that I don't notice her??

2007-2-20 11:12 PM ttsee
then ask her abt this

hahahahah i dun think she is angry with u
but if you ask this question i think you did sth wrong xddd

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