I-See 論壇 » 吹水區 » R & L (i want to reach #4000 la)

2007-2-21 01:44 PM ttsee
me and grandpa
but he is sleeping -,- go la wait

2007-2-21 01:44 PM lilyandlily
[quote]原帖由 [i]婆[/i] 於 2007-2-21 01:44 PM 發表
me and grandpa
but he is sleeping -,- go la wait [/quote]

ok~~wait 4 u~!

2007-2-21 01:45 PM ttsee
i am back -,- do u know who will be the guests of tonight's jsg

2007-2-21 01:46 PM lilyandlily
i know ar~~xdd..........

2007-2-21 01:46 PM lilyandlily
yumiko ma~~>.<

2007-2-21 01:48 PM ttsee
tell me -,- i hv a chance to go jsg 現場 tonight

2007-2-21 01:48 PM ttsee
ah-huh reallly??????

2007-2-21 01:50 PM lilyandlily
[quote]原帖由 [i]婆[/i] 於 2007-2-21 01:48 PM 發表
tell me -,- i hv a chance to go jsg 現場 tonight [/quote]

i just watch the CM in TV........

2007-2-21 01:51 PM lilyandlily
[quote]原帖由 [i]婆[/i] 於 2007-2-21 01:48 PM 發表
ah-huh reallly?????? [/quote]

can u take some photos 4 me~~?

2007-2-21 01:51 PM lilyandlily
if u can,, help me to take her sign........

2007-2-21 01:51 PM ttsee
wt does cm means

2007-2-21 01:52 PM lilyandlily
but i know it is impossible..........

2007-2-21 01:53 PM lilyandlily
[quote]原帖由 [i]婆[/i] 於 2007-2-21 01:51 PM 發表
wt does cm means [/quote]

Commercial message

2007-2-21 01:53 PM ttsee
of course no problem!!! i must bring camera xdd

2007-2-21 01:53 PM ttsee
how can u say that:-(

2007-2-21 01:53 PM ttsee
oh commercial message
new words for me

2007-2-21 01:54 PM lilyandlily
[quote]原帖由 [i]婆[/i] 於 2007-2-21 01:53 PM 發表
how can u say that:-( [/quote]

i mean to take her sign...........

2007-2-21 01:54 PM lilyandlily
take photo is easy...but........

2007-2-21 01:54 PM lilyandlily
[quote]原帖由 [i]婆[/i] 於 2007-2-21 01:53 PM 發表
oh commercial message
new words for me [/quote]

good to learn sth newXDD

2007-2-21 01:54 PM ttsee
[quote]原帖由 [i]lilyandlily[/i] 於 2007-2-21 01:54 PM 發表

i mean to take her sign........... [/quote]
oh i skip the word sign-,-
i dun think i can la xd
do u know other guest ar

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