I-See 論壇 » 吹水區 » Do something

2007-3-10 02:45 PM lilyandlily
Do something

"Why Don't you do something?"
Always rmb that lyric........

2007-3-10 02:46 PM 露莎x]`
lily?????????wut ar u doing????????

2007-3-10 02:47 PM lilyandlily
do something XD

2007-3-10 02:47 PM 露莎x]`
[quote]原帖由 [i]lilyandlily[/i] 於 2007-3-10 02:47 PM 發表
do something XD [/quote]
i like that song too..........XDD

2007-3-10 02:50 PM lilyandlily
um....think so........

2007-3-10 02:51 PM lilyandlily
but the MV is the best.......better than the music xd

2007-3-10 02:52 PM lilyandlily
do u hv sing k ge songs?

2007-3-10 02:54 PM lilyandlily
disappear la~

2007-3-10 02:54 PM lilyandlily
really disappear XD

2007-3-10 02:55 PM 露莎x]`

2007-3-10 02:57 PM lilyandlily
appear..........with a "hi"

2007-3-10 02:57 PM lilyandlily
what are u doing ar?

2007-3-10 02:59 PM 露莎x]`

2007-3-10 03:00 PM lilyandlily
nth is a thing also........

2007-3-10 03:00 PM lilyandlily
anway........hv u started to study?

2007-3-10 03:01 PM 露莎x]`
study wut/.???????????

2007-3-10 03:02 PM lilyandlily
disappear again.........

2007-3-10 03:03 PM lilyandlily
[quote]原帖由 [i]meimeileung712[/i] 於 2007-3-10 03:01 PM 發表
study wut/.??????????? [/quote]

cji and geog

2007-3-10 03:03 PM 露莎x]`
[quote]原帖由 [i]lilyandlily[/i] 於 2007-3-10 03:03 PM 發表

cji and geog [/quote]
no wor,,,,,,,,,,,,XDDDD
i just study them the day before test,,,,,,,,,,,

2007-3-10 03:06 PM lilyandlily
[quote]原帖由 [i]meimeileung712[/i] 於 2007-3-10 03:03 PM 發表

no wor,,,,,,,,,,,,XDDDD
i just study them the day before test,,,,,,,,,,, [/quote]

ok.......u are clever than me ma..........

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