I-See 論壇 » 吹水區 » 迫記糖水店! 入黎打躉. open; 10:00-早上2:00

2007-8-20 01:07 PM Tigris`翼仔:
[quote]原帖由 [i]ding._.[/i] 於 2007-8-20 01:05 PM 發表

宜家知道佢玩野已經冇以前咁驚喇-,- [/quote]

2007-8-20 01:07 PM 露莎x]`
[quote]原帖由 [i]ding._.[/i] 於 2007-8-20 01:06 PM 發表

我吾慣打英文-W- [/quote]
:soD14qo:yur eng is ok too

2007-8-20 01:07 PM Tigris`翼仔:
[quote]原帖由 [i]J.RoSaBeE:]`[/i] 於 2007-8-20 01:05 PM 發表

so dun cry la=3= [/quote]

2007-8-20 01:07 PM ding._.
[quote]原帖由 [i]J.RoSaBeE:]`[/i] 於 2007-8-20 01:06 PM 發表

:s4U42I9:i can;t watch that or see that!!! [/quote]

2007-8-20 01:07 PM 露莎x]`
[quote]原帖由 [i]T-Menura`舞:[/i] 於 2007-8-20 01:07 PM 發表

冇CRY好耐.3. [/quote]

2007-8-20 01:07 PM Tigris`翼仔:
[quote]原帖由 [i]J.RoSaBeE:]`[/i] 於 2007-8-20 01:06 PM 發表

iccicc..... type eng is better then...xddd [/quote]

2007-8-20 01:07 PM 索女喪屍機關槍
[quote]原帖由 [i]T-Menura`舞:[/i] 於 2007-8-20 13:06 發表

當係練英文啦-.- [/quote]
yes ah.......
but mum don't find people to fix it lo......:sYZ92E7::sYZ92E7::sYZ92E7:

2007-8-20 01:07 PM ding._.
[quote]原帖由 [i]T-Menura`舞:[/i] 於 2007-8-20 01:07 PM 發表

我已經唔會再上當-3- [/quote]

2007-8-20 01:08 PM 露莎x]`
[quote]原帖由 [i]ding._.[/i] 於 2007-8-20 01:07 PM 發表

但我又要睇又要驚-,- [/quote]

2007-8-20 01:08 PM Tigris`翼仔:
[quote]原帖由 [i]ding._.[/i] 於 2007-8-20 01:06 PM 發表

知你喇-,- [/quote]

2007-8-20 01:08 PM ding._.
[quote]原帖由 [i]J.RoSaBeE:]`[/i] 於 2007-8-20 01:07 PM 發表

:soD14qo:yur eng is ok too [/quote]

2007-8-20 01:08 PM 露莎x]`
[quote]原帖由 [i]T-Menura`舞:[/i] 於 2007-8-20 01:07 PM 發表

我唔慣D鍵 [/quote]
i never seen boss type eng be4!!!xd

2007-8-20 01:08 PM ding._.
[quote]原帖由 [i]J.RoSaBeE:]`[/i] 於 2007-8-20 01:08 PM 發表

curious........:sZ852yq: [/quote]

2007-8-20 01:08 PM 露莎x]`
[quote]原帖由 [i]ding._.[/i] 於 2007-8-20 01:08 PM 發表

邊忽-,- [/quote]
every part!!!!!!!

2007-8-20 01:08 PM Tigris`翼仔:
[quote]原帖由 [i]J.RoSaBeE:]`[/i] 於 2007-8-20 01:07 PM 發表

=33333333="ok [/quote]

2007-8-20 01:08 PM 露莎x]`
[quote]原帖由 [i]ding._.[/i] 於 2007-8-20 01:08 PM 發表

所以成日訓吾著-v- [/quote]

2007-8-20 01:08 PM ding._.
[quote]原帖由 [i]T-Menura`舞:[/i] 於 2007-8-20 01:08 PM 發表

HEHE:s1x77Wz: [/quote]
[color=Black]haha -,-[/color]

2007-8-20 01:09 PM 露莎x]`
[quote]原帖由 [i]T-Menura`舞:[/i] 於 2007-8-20 01:08 PM 發表

唉-3- [/quote]
dun :sXj48DF: la......

2007-8-20 01:09 PM Tigris`翼仔:

2007-8-20 01:09 PM ding._.
[quote]原帖由 [i]J.RoSaBeE:]`[/i] 於 2007-8-20 01:08 PM 發表

i never seen boss type eng be4!!!xd [/quote]

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