I-See 論壇 » 『搵』錢地帶 » 搵人幫我整vb- -急 唔該

2007-8-31 03:58 PM JACK`傑
搵人幫我整vb- -急 唔該

vb 做 jackpot
Assessment criteria based on the following:

1.         Proper use of conditionals: “If…Then…Else” or relevant;

2.         Use of Randomize and Rnd;

3.         Proper use of Image control;

4.         Proper use of Timer control;

5.         Proper design of the user interface, i.e. the layout of the Form(s);

6.         Including instruction for the user(s) who use/uses the game;

7.         Codes are shown clearly in the programmes, and the three types of files for the programme: *.vbp, *.vbw, and *.frm(s), are included;




[[i] 本帖最後由 JACK`傑 於 2007-8-31 04:08 PM 編輯 [/i]]

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