2008-6-28 10:54 AM lilyandlily

tired for anyway........
no longer want to work......
no longer want to play........
just want to sleep

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2008-6-28 11:12 AM Tiffy_0205
hihi~Lily~that's me hoho!:sWh98W1:
i like your ban's colours...quite match~meifa is good(better than me laT^T)
but i think those words can change a little bit
while i like your icons...they are good ne!
sup Lily oh~
*are u ok now? Take Care ah!

2008-6-28 11:54 AM 露莎x]`
1 feel is nice,words not so mh
2 colors bit orange,,bg can wider than 2 frames(?) between
icons 1,2 ar nice,3 can brighter
sup lily=D take care!

2008-6-28 12:02 PM AR琪
1底唔係咁襯圖 字一般
2美化紅左D 字都唔係咁襯

2008-6-28 12:46 PM cherrie-v-
thanks lily lae~

1,2 word not mth
3 feel is okay
support lily!

2008-6-28 08:43 PM RAIKE
2我覺得幾特別 不過字唔好潦草仲好
ICON 1美化可以再好D

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