I-See 論壇 » 頭像送禮區 » Happy Birthday to u~my dearest Rosa><

2008-7-12 06:37 PM Tiffy_0205
Happy Birthday to u~my dearest Rosa><

hoho!! Happy Birthday ah Rosanna!
hope it will not be too late><
although my work is not the best, hope u like it~
[size=5]HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!![/size]:sjP98rf:

2008-7-12 06:44 PM 露莎x]`
xddd bunbun,u come la
nice try ah,xdd i like it too
thz bunbun!<3 love ya:syl68Ba:

2008-7-12 06:47 PM Tiffy_0205
回復 #2 露莎x]` 的帖子

thanks Rosa~I will add+++ more oil to improve ga la!!
and give you another better Brithday ban next year XDD

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