I-See 論壇 » 會員自貼區 » 樹蔭中 望天邊朗月和星宿:)

2008-11-21 10:54 PM whit.
樹蔭中 望天邊朗月和星宿:)

[color=Black][b]-my affairs were kinda chaotic... in old days.

-and now, it comes to a simplier form.
u know, it's the first time i meet somebody like u :)
u're as kid as i can't imagine;p
but ur non-lacerate words,
i can see the way u love me;)

friends, i know u're always worrying about me.
i love u guys. i'm fine now.
one leaves is marking that. one is coming.
i'm okay with different "dynasties"
here i go;]

about fotos:: [1] snap one. [2] new sku's picnic.[/b][/color][color=white]

[[i] 本帖最後由 whit. 於 2008-11-21 10:58 PM 編輯 [/i]]

2008-11-21 10:58 PM SAIW!NG`XD
whit!! ;*)

2008-11-21 11:13 PM um....

2008-11-21 11:16 PM f0k:)
wow''英文  ~_~

可愛い @_@''

2008-11-21 11:48 PM 海`

2008-11-22 08:13 AM 牙豆''
廢仔; 睇完你d英文-_-
好似poem haha .
miss u miss u xx

2008-11-22 10:02 AM Ting_婷
"but ur non-lacerate words,
i can see the way u love me;)"
nice one ;) 豆講得岩-3- it does sounds like a poem-_-xd

2008-11-22 12:19 PM whit.
[quote]原帖由 [i]Ting_婷[/i] 於 2008-11-22 10:02 AM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結
"but ur non-lacerate words,
i can see the way u love me;)"
nice one ;) 豆講得岩-3- it does sounds like a poem-_-xd [/quote]
haha:) 多謝.

2008-11-22 12:21 PM whit.
[quote]原帖由 [i]牙豆''[/i] 於 2008-11-22 08:13 AM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結
廢仔; 睇完你d英文-_-
好似poem haha .
miss u miss u xx [/quote]
dear twinkle:)

2008-11-22 12:21 PM whit.
[quote]原帖由 [i]晴天._.[/i] 於 2008-11-21 11:48 PM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結
小廢=] [/quote]
oh-.- i'm sorry i forgot who u are. again-v-"

2008-11-22 12:22 PM whit.
[quote]原帖由 [i]fok_cheryl[/i] 於 2008-11-21 11:16 PM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結
wow''英文  ~_~

可愛い @_@'' [/quote]
oh 係呀.

2008-11-22 12:22 PM whit.
[quote]原帖由 [i]um....[/i] 於 2008-11-21 11:13 PM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結
靚女英文咁犀利; [/quote]

2008-11-22 12:23 PM whit.
[quote]原帖由 [i]SAIW!NG`XD[/i] 於 2008-11-21 10:58 PM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結

whit!! ;*)
oh dear saiwing:):):)!

2008-11-22 12:35 PM 牙豆''
[quote]原帖由 [i]whit.[/i] 於 2008-11-22 12:21 PM 發表 請切換完整版來瀏覽圖片和連結

dear twinkle:)
me2me2. [/quote]
ha 有d好開心既感覺-_-

2008-11-22 02:35 PM -Yellow。
可愛  ,
Sup&Push             .

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