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2009-12-4 01:26 PM tracy-choi123
A career in teaching has pros and cons

[size=14pt][color=#000000]A career in teaching has its share of pros and cons. Some may argue that there is too much stress involved in teaching the youth of today, while others contend that it’s a very rewarding profession.[/color][/size]
[size=14pt][color=#000000]If you love children, becoming a teacher at a primary school might be the options for you. It allows you to empower young people, who may become the masters of society in the near future. You can take great pride that you play a part in their growth, not to mention you can enjoy the long summer holidays, provided that you do not have to conduct summer classes.[/color][/size]
Yet there are drawbacks to being a teacher. First of all, not all students are ‘saints’, meaning there will be at least a handful of troublemakers in the classroom who have to be dealt with. In this case, patience would prove to be an invaluable asset. Let’s not forget the heavy workload that you would have deal with. Although the assignments you might dive out seem simple enough, if you gave an assignment to each student, with 6 periods per day, you would have to collect around 180 assignments every other day or so. This wouldn’t include the quizzes and exams that you would have to administer throughout the year.[/color][/size]
I would probably not choose to become a teacher as I have low tolerance and certainly no patience for troublemakers, nor do I like dealing with an overwhelming amount of paperwork. I would rather choose a profession that I truly enjoy doing.[/color][/size]

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