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標題: [2003][意大利][過錯 Fallo! ][丁度巴拉斯作品]
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註冊 2014-5-7
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發表於 2014-9-14 03:55 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
[2003][意大利][過錯 Fallo! ][丁度巴拉斯作品]

[2003][意大利][過錯 Fallo! ][avi 2.01GB][丁度巴拉斯作品]


【影片片名】:过错 Fallo! 高清版 [中文字幕]
【影片又名】:激情假期 / Private / Do It! / Faca Isto! (2003)
【影片大小】:2 GB
【视频效果】:1000X560  高清版
【影片演员】:Sara Cosmi, Massimiliano Caroletti, William De Vito, Guglielmo Aru, Silvia Rossi, Federica...
【语种发音】:义大利语发音. 简体中文字幕.
       丁度·巴拉斯(Tinto Brass,1933年3月26日-- ),生长於意大利水城威尼斯,浪漫的环境加上意大利人文主义的文艺传统的熏陶使他生来就对人类最大的快乐有著非同寻常的敏感。在拍摄***片之前,巴拉斯是个标準的艺术电影青年,职业生涯的前十年,他拍摄的影片充满前卫怪诞的情节和梦幻般的超现实画面。
       1) "Alibi" ("Alibi") While celebrating the seventh anniversary of marriage in a hotel in Casablanca, Morocco, Gianni convinces his wife Gianni to do a threesome with the room servant Ali. 2) "Double Trouble" ("Dupla Confusao") While playing tennis with Bruno, Stefania has intercourse with him in the bathroom. Meanwhile, Bruno's wife Erika does with Stefania's husband Luigi in his office, to get the position of guest in a talk show. 3) "Two Hearts and a Hut" ("Dois Coracoes e Uma Cabana") The maid Katarina is tipped with a high amount and prostitutes with a couple of sadistic & masochistic. 4) "Jolly Bangs" ("Casos") While on the beach, Raffaella fantasizes erotic affairs to the satisfaction of her husband Ugo. 5) "Honni Soit Qui Mal y Pense" ("Que a Maldade Fique com Aquele que Pensa Maldade") The photographer Franco wishes to have anal sex with Anna.....


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