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標題: BACKSTAGE BATTLESTAGE 「後台大戰」歌唱比賽 (First Season)
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發表於 2009-4-22 04:03 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
BACKSTAGE BATTLESTAGE 「後台大戰」歌唱比賽 (First Season)



Backstage Live Restaurant,將會成為樂壇新貴的殺戮戰場!因為一個嶄新的歌唱戰役 ﹣Battlestage (後台大戰),即將在這裡開戰。 發揮個人舞台皇者魅力,從權威音樂人手上爭奪一個完全屬於自己的舞台,爭取一次難得的試音機會,你,可能就是下一個樂壇重心。 請準備最有利的武器,鼓起最大的勇氣 ,為自己將來殺出一條光輝血路!

每逢周一晚上8點到10點, Battlestage (後台大戰) 都會在Backstage的舞台上演。 每場戰役我們會安排不多於8位,不少於4位參賽者對壘。各挑戰者皆有


每場戰役隻有一位勝出者。而當晚勝出者除獲得HK$500現金獎外,三個月後我們還會邀請所有勝出者再進行一次“季度終極大戰“。 能在“季度終極大戰“中生還的參賽者除了獲得更豐富獎金獎品外,更會成為專業音樂人禦用demo歌手,同時一班專業音樂人更為你打造及製作出一首屬於你自己的單曲,讓你的歌聲能直接在各唱片公司製作部廣泛流傳,讓你朝著星光大道的路上跨上一大步! 一個既可滿足你的舞台表演慾望,又有現金獎品,助你踏進樂壇千載難逢的好機會,你又怎可錯過。

日期:2009年5月11日起 逢星期一 晚上
時間:8:00 至 10:00
地點:Backstage Live Restaurant


如有任何查詢,請緻電: 21678985


March into Backstage! Declare war against our fellow musicians!
Backstage Live restaurant is now all music lovers’new battlefield, all because of a brand new and original singing contest – “Battlestage” is about to unveil here at Backstage.

A chance for you to show off your on-stage glamour, bewitch the audience, seize a stage that ONLY belongs to you from the hands of authoritative musicians, and earn yourself a chance to become a demo singer…YOU…can become the next shining STAR! So, gear up yourself, work up your courage, and prepare to fight and pave your way to Stardom!

You Die? I Die?!
“Battlestage” is ON-STAGE every Monday night from 8pm to 10pm at Backstage. In each battle, there will be no more than 8 and no less than 4 contestants competing against each other. Each contestant will have 15mins performance time, contestants are free to arrange their own show run-down within these 15mins, main objective is to fully utilize this time and putting on their most glamorous and enchanting performance. In otherwords, you will not only be judged by your singing ability, but also your ability to host the stage, which is equally important for any professional performers.

Points will be given for the overall performance as well as the attractiveness and engagingness of the performance. For every nightt, we will invite 2 authoritative Hong Kong Musicians as judges, be prepared for their honest critics on the goods and bads,
which could be quite harsh or even embarrassing, only join if you have the guts!! However, points of judges contribute to only 80% of the total points, the other 20% will be given by the audience of the night. In other words, all the audience are also judges, feel free to support the performer that you like by casting them a vote.

For every battle, there will be one winner. The winner of the night will not only receive HK$500 cash prize, all the winners from the first quarter (3months) will be invited to come back for our “Seasonal Battle”, and the final winner of the “Seasonal Battle” will not only gain another cash prize, a tailor-made song composed and written by our professional songwriters, and will also become the exclusive Demo Singer of Backstage’s Songwriter Partners, giving you a chance to expose your vocal talents to all Record Companies in Hong Kong, and paving your way to success. So don’t miss this chance, enter the contest now!!

Backstage “Battlestage” Singing Contest Details:
Date: Starting from May 11th, 2009, every Monday Night
Time: 8pm-10pm
Venue: Backstage Live Restaurant
Address: 1/F Somptueux Central, 52-54 Wellington Street, Central

Singing Contest Information and Entry Form:遊客無法瀏覽此圖片或下載點,請先註冊或登入會員。

For enquiries: Please 2167 8985

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