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標題: 28/3 DREAM5 @全城有磯低炭嘉年華
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發表於 2010-3-26 10:31 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
28/3 DREAM5 @全城有磯低炭嘉年華

DREAM5 @全城有磯低炭嘉年華
地點: 中環遮打花園
日期 : 28/3 (星期日)
時間 : 5pm - 6pm
門票 : 免費入場
音樂 : 爵士, 流行, 藍調及原創
成員︰Geraldene(Vocal), Samson (Guitar/Vocal), Ka-Ho (Saxophone/Flute), Kristal (Bass), Miranda (Piano) and Marvin (Jazz Drums).

The band "DREAM5" comprises of Geraldene (Vocal), Samson (Guitar/Vocal), Ka-Ho (Saxophone/Flute), Kristal (Bass), Miranda (Piano) and Marvin (Jazz Drums). We will play some everlasting love songs with Relaxing Beat. We are scheduled to play at 5-6pm in Central Charter Garden in 28- March 2010.


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