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標題: 最新的正版 WGA Validation v1.9.40 破解 v2
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註冊 2008-2-26
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  只顯示 smellseum 的帖子
發表於 2009-9-24 04:39 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
最新的正版 WGA Validation v1.9.40 破解 v2

最新的正版 WGA Validation v1.9.40 破解 v2



最新的正版 WGA Validation v1.9.40.0 破解第二版,2009-03-27更新 !!!!

WGA crack release works on ALL Microsoft Windows 2000,XP,Vista,7

Windows Genuine Advantage (WGA) is an anti-piracy system enacted byMicrosoft that attempts to force users of Microsoft Windows to validatethe authenticity of their copy of several recent Microsoft operatingsystems when accessing several Microsoft Windows services, such asWindows Update, and downloading from the Microsoft Download Center.

100% working on Windows Update, Microsoft Download Center and Microsoft Update.


1. Extract into a new empty folder
2. Run installer.bat         

100% working on Windows Update, Microsoft Download Center and Microsoft Update .     
A tribute to Wocarson, creator of base version crack.

Install Notes:
1. Extract into a new empty folder
2. Run Setup.exe

WGA crack release works on ALL Microsoft Windows 2000,XP,Vista,7

有用的大大,以下所提供的,是所有WGA Validation下載破解的查詢的清單,有用的大大,可使用以下的下載破解,大多是可使用(有一些是還沒有過期)的.

最新的Windows XP繁簡正版驗證補丁,永久破解 V1.0,已通過驗證
最新的Windows XP正版驗證補丁 V1.0|可支持IE7.0/WMP11.0的

下載破解: 最新的正版 WGA Validation v1.9.40.0 破解第二版,2009-03-27 更新 !

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