Senior secondary students do part-time job
A lot of students are taking part-time jobs, believing it helps them finance their daily needs and ease their parents’ burden. However, is it really necessary for them to take part-time job? I think it is not good for students to take part-time job.
Academically, when students do not know how to allocate their time, it will impede their studies. They cannot concentrate on their studies. It affects their academic results, when they work too late, they will be tired to go to school.
Physically, they have no time to join the extra-curricular activities. They have no time to play sports. They feel stressful. So, doing exercise is essential to their health. It helps them stay fit and healthy, release their stress, regain their energy and refresh their mind. So, they should do more exercises.
Socially, they have bad social lives. They have no spare time for their parents and friends. Hence, it affects their social lives badly. Parents and children are alienated. They cannot maintain their friendship.
Usually, students spend the money on extravagant things or brand name goods. They are innocent. Moreover, they may associate bad elements in the society.
As students, we should equip ourselves with knowledge in order to maintain competitive edges in the society. Therefore, students should not take part- time job.