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標題: 有效提升電腦效能Red Button 3.9
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註冊 2008-11-29
註冊天數 5946
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  只顯示 hellogamer 的帖子
發表於 2009-12-22 07:14 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
有效提升電腦效能Red Button 3.9

【軟體名稱】:Red Button 3.9
Red Button is a free program for Windows optimization. By means of program Red Button you can reduce space occupied by system on a disk; to switch off and remove unnecessary, disturbing to work components; to activate hundreds of hidden Windows settings; to increase speed of loading, operation, turn off of system; in time to clean "junk" files; to correct errors in the registry; to raise safety and convenience of system; to reduce degree of influence on environment; to lower system charges. The program has an intuitive interface and is extremely easy- to-use. For introduction of the selected changes it is enough to make just one click. Red Button does your computer better!

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