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標題: [2016韩国][隔壁夫妻][蓝光珍藏版][MP4/1.82GB]
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

會員編號 500921
精華 0
積分 34873
帖子 17437
威望 0 點
I-See幣 174565 錢
GAME幣 100 個
MSN宣傳 0 次
性別  男
配偶 未婚
閱讀權限 120
註冊 2013-10-25
註冊天數 4145
狀態 離線
  只顯示 iphone5s 的帖子
發表於 2016-10-25 09:12 AM  資料  短消息  加為好友 




   这对夫妇已经改变了 !彼此 !

   恩济和承浩、 李成植和裕跑搬到邻里在相同的时间。恩济是孤独的因为她的丈夫经常晚睡和晟锡照顾房子的而他的妻子。


。然而,盛锡返回家里因为他有水管和银集镇见证了她的丈夫和女人隔壁,金周跑一起在床上。几个月以后,盛锡银集镇、 承浩、 金周跑运行到彼此,但用不同的伙伴......
'The couples have changed! With each other!'
Eun-ji and Seung-ho, Seong-sik and Joo-ran move into a neighborhood at similar times. Eun-ji is lonely because of her husband's frequent late-nights and

Seong-sik takes care of the house while his wife works.
One day, Seong-sik goes over to Eun-ji's house to return a package but end up drinking wine with her. Seong-sik drunkenly kisses Eun-ji and the two spend a

night in each others' arms. They continue to meet secretly like that and one day lie to their husband and wife and leave on a trip together. However, Seong-

sik returns home because his pipes have burst and Eun-ji witnesses her husband and the woman next door, Joo-ran in bed together.
A few months later, Seong-sik, Eun-ji, Seung-ho and Joo-ran run into each other but with different partners...
Are you living with the one you love?






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