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標題: 2024-10-31 AMINATO - 彌 (MP3@320K@KF/CT@66MB)
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Rank: 2

會員編號 510319
精華 0
積分 3450
帖子 1730
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I-See幣 17401 錢
GAME幣 100 個
MSN宣傳 0 次
性別  女
配偶 未婚
閱讀權限 60
註冊 2023-9-5
註冊天數 554
狀態 離線
  只顯示 yoyo89312 的帖子
發表於 2024-11-4 12:17 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
2024-10-31 AMINATO - 彌 (MP3@320K@KF/CT@66MB)



【專輯歌手】: AMINATO
【專輯名稱】: 彌
【發行日期】: 2024-10-31
【唱片公司】: AMINATO
【專輯語言】: 國語
【檔案大小】: 66MB
【音樂格式】: MP3
【音樂品質】: 320K CBR
【存放空間】: KF + CT
【失連時間】: 免空期限


The album Mi is named after a character from AMINATO's stage name. As a verb, "Mi" means "to fill" or "to be full," and as an adverb, it means "even more." The album’s theme is inspired by AMI's family background, reflecting the inner struggles of growing up in a traditional Taiwanese family. Through the music, AMI explores the meaning and expectations of life and the soul.

The concept blends traditional Buddhist and Taoist beliefs, portraying the delicate balance between "illusion and reality" in life and faith. It also captures the idea of people being "ordinary yet special." Musically, the album features experimental electronic sounds and synthesizer tones, building on hip-hop samples. With a mature rap narrative and strong melodic lines, the album breaks away from traditional structures, delivering a rich and immersive listening experience.


02 . AMINATO - 抓周
03 . AMINATO;王欣茹 - 善男信女
04 . AMINATO - 秀鈴的孩子
05 . AMINATO;MANDARK - 神明的孩子
06 . AMINATO - 水沙連
07 . AMINATO - 收驚



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