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標題: Unreserved Love (愛是不保留英文版 )
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會員編號 66906
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積分 1717
帖子 313
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I-See幣 14474 錢
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閱讀權限 60
註冊 2005-11-5
註冊天數 7068
狀態 離線
發表於 2006-10-20 09:59 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
Unreserved Love (愛是不保留英文版 )

Unreserved Love (愛是不保留英文版 )

耶和華是良善的,他的慈愛永遠長存 歷代志下 7:7


I've always been told love won't endure.
Nowhere can one find love long and true.
The world just thinks love comes and passes through.
“Don't make promise” is the rule...

But I still believe love can last long.
Your unfailing love has made me strong.
You are the one I can depend upon.
Come what may, you'll love me all along!

Who died on the cross and took away my curse?
Great is your love, I don't think I should deserve.
Your bleeding hands proved your love unreserved.
You're my only joy and treasure on the earth...

Giving everything to you is all I pray.
Use my life to serve you truly every day.
I'll hold your hands and give you all my praise.
Let the whole world know your love and grace!

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