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精華 1
積分 3860
帖子 2443
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閱讀權限 60
註冊 2006-3-21
註冊天數 6864
來自 ●﹝愛﹞×"
狀態 離線
發表於 2006-10-20 08:19 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 

10000000000000 x thx~

ON 18 October 1967,the Soviet Union's space probe Venera 4 seccessfully entered
the atmosphere of venusn after a four-month journey from Earth and beamed back
valuable information about the planet's atmosphere.

The spacecraft dived through Venus's dense cloud cover and down towards the
surface,sending back coded bleeps carrying details of the gases in the
atmosphere,and readings for temiperature and pressure.

Hopes that the craft might survive the entry and land on Venus were dashed when
signals ceased after 94 minutes when the probe was believed to be about  25 kilometres
about the surface of the planet.

The American spacecraft mariner 5 was also expected to measure Venus's atmosphere
and magnetic fields as it flew past the planet at a distance about 4000 kilometres.

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