
會員編號 165144
積分 32710
帖子 16512
威望 0 點
I-See幣 89364 錢
GAME幣 3617 個
MSN宣傳 26 次
配偶 未婚
閱讀權限 120
註冊 2006-5-17
註冊天數 6875
狀態 離線
容祖兒+陳奕迅+汪峰+孫悅 - 《forever friend》(08年奧運會候選主题曲)
制作:莫洛德爾 孔祥東 托馬斯·胡
You've tasted bitter defeat and the sweet success
You want it all and you settle for nothing less
You've tried harder than the rest
You've become one of the best
This is the time you'll remember for all your life
Forever friends
in harmony
as the whole world joins and sees
days of unity and peace
Forever through the years
we'll hear the cheers
Joy and laughter everywhere
We'are together here to share
Forever friends
You'll meet all races,see faces you've never seen
People from parts of the world where you've never been
And you'll fell it in your heart
we spend too much time apart
This is the time when all dreams of man come alive
Forever friends
in harmony
as the whole world joins and sees
days of unity and peace
Forever through the years
we'll hear the cheers
Joy and laughter everywhere
We're together here to share
Forever friends
No matter where we are or go
No matter what hope for or know
No matter how we word our prayer
There is one dream we share
Forever friends
in harmony
as the whole world joins and sees
days of unity and peace
Forever through the years
we'll hear the cheers
Joy and laughter everywhere
We're together here to share
One World One Dream
Forever Friends
In Harmony
Forever Friends

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