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標題: [美國][深夜劇][學校趣事 12集全][DVD/RMVB/3.85G]
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Rank: 6Rank: 6

會員編號 500921
精華 0
積分 34873
帖子 17437
威望 0 點
I-See幣 174565 錢
GAME幣 100 個
MSN宣傳 0 次
性別  男
配偶 未婚
閱讀權限 120
註冊 2013-10-25
註冊天數 4153
狀態 離線
  只顯示 iphone5s 的帖子
發表於 2014-10-30 03:17 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
[美國][深夜劇][學校趣事 12集全][DVD/RMVB/3.85G]

[美國][深夜劇][學校趣事  12集全][DVD/RMVB/3.85G]


Title: The Last semester
Original title: The Last Semester
Year: 2007
Genre: Erotica
Directed by: Lucas Vivo
Cast: Wilma Gonzalez, Andrea Rincon, Valeria Silva, Patricia Fierro, Viviana Castrillon, Victoria Rodriguez, Luci a Cabello, Veronica Manso, Pabla Thomen
About movie:
A group of students of the elitist school St. Andreas prepares himself to study the last semester of the year. The young people will go facing different situations that they will have to overcome if they want to be received in this prestigious institution. Someone will be very compromising, but simultaneously they will be taken to vivenciar by moments that are going to leave the only education full to them of pleasing. He enjoys this history full of eroticism in which failure and comedy will not be missing.
Issued: Playboy TV Latin America & Iberia, Delmota
Length: ~ 00:23:00 x 12






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