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標題: [俋堤 Outing][2015][720p][HDRip][MP4/1.8G][澈弊癹秶撰]
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發表於 2015-8-18 08:55 PM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
[俋堤 Outing][2015][720p][HDRip][MP4/1.8G][澈弊癹秶撰]

Starring: Jeong Seo Yoon, Jeon Hyeon Soo
Country: South Korea
Release: 11th June 2015


Young and beautiful woman, Shin-hye, she is a good housewife with all of her focus on her husband and housekeeping. However, she has a concern these days. She and her husband are drifting apart from each other, while her husband has been refusing sex with her and treating her like a ghost. As her unhappiness with her husband is growing bigger, she attends her high school alumni meeting, where she encounters her first love, Seong-jin. Shin-hye is drawn to Seong-jin, who is a cool handsome grown-up man now. She slowly steps into the forbidden realm, as to say &affair* in spite of herself.

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Rank: 1

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閱讀權限 40
註冊 2015-1-7
註冊天數 3709
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  只顯示 Dellmore 的帖子
發表於 2015-8-19 07:28 AM  資料  短消息  加為好友 
好像很不錯的樣子 , 感謝大大的分享喔!!

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